Stacy Olson, BA, QDDP

Stacy Olson ARMHS lead

Stacy Olson, BA, QDDP provides Children’s Therapeutic Services and Support (CTSS) and Adult Rehabilitative Mental Health Services (ARMHS), including conducting Functional Assessments and Treatment Plan development. She brings a client centered and strength based approach that utilizes each individual strengths and interest to support skill development and promote positive change. Stacy earned an AAS in Child Development from South Central College in 2008 as well as BA in Psychology from Metropolitan State University in 2014.

Stacy began work at SBCC in 2015, providing services in the home or community with anxiety, social anxiety, depression, ADHD, PTSD, OCD, child skill development, family skills, adult independent and community living skills, activities of daily living (ADL), and group facilitator. She has experience working with SPMI clients, LGBTQ+ clients, domestic violence and abuse, neurodivergent clients, and individuals living with developmental disabilities. Stacy is a Qualified Developmental Disabilities Professional & member of ARMHS Program Development Team.

In her spare time, Stacy enjoys spending time with her 2 sons and friends, traveling, and exploring. She enjoys relaxing on a sailboat, listening to the sounds of the waves and the wind hitting the sails.