Vivien Lee, BA


Kelly Minnesota therapist

Vivien Lee is currently a Marriage and Family Therapy graduate student at Capella University. Vivien is interested in working with families, couples, and children, especially adolescents. She believes family members who support one another and have strong bonds can create new stories. While working with adolescents, she hopes to help empower them to build on their strengths and work towards their dreams and goals in life.

Vivien has experience as a paraprofessional in a tier 4 setting school, working with children who have disorders like Autism, emotional behavioral disorders, anxiety, and AD/HD. Therapeutic approaches she is interested include, solution-focused brief therapy and Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT).

Vivien has her Bachelor’s degree in Healthcare Management from Rasmussen University and is looking forward to graduating from Capella University in 2025. Her dream one day is to work with the Hmong community to bring awareness to mental health issues and bridge the gap between the generations.